Medical Questions » Vaccinations, Children Questions » Question No. 1005
Question:I have read recently that there are dangers associated with the vaccination of children, and that homeopathic alternatives are just as effective. I would appreciate your opinion on this matter.
Answer:Many parents believe that polio, diphtheria and whooping cough are diseases of the past, and that measles, mumps and rubella are only minor childhood illnesses, and don' t warrant a vaccination. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is still possible to catch all these diseases in Australia, and children are diagnosed with them on a regular basis. Another epidemic could easily occur if the vaccination rate among all children drops too low. In some research, vaccination rates as low as 60% for some of these diseases have been reported, and this is cause for grave concern. Epidemics in past years, and in other western countries more recently, have resulted in the death, disablement, and permanent damage of hundreds of children. We should not allow this to happen in Australia. Measles and mumps are often mild diseases, but in a significant proportion of children it can cause severe illness, and in a few, permanent brain damage or even death may occur. Homeopathic remedies have no proven record of success, and have been discounted by every reputable scientist. The risks of vaccination are infinitesimal, and far less than the risk associated with catching any of these diseases. Do not take chances with your child' s life. Have him/her fully and properly vaccinated to avoid possible tragedy. Vaccinations against tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis B and diphtheria are given at 2, 4, and 6 months of age, and without the hepatitis B component at 18 months and five years of age; the oral Sabin vaccine against polio is given at the same time. Mumps, measles and rubella (German measles) can be prevented by a vaccination at one and five years. Some types of meningitis are prevented by the HiB vaccine at 2, 4 and 18 months.
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