Medical Questions » Anal Problems Questions » Question No. 1085
Question:The moment after the birth of my little one, I got to know that he is having an Imperforate anus. That was the most terrifying and devastating moment of my life. Will my child ever be able to lead a normal life? Please advice.
Answer:No parent wants to hear such things about their newly born kid. Obviously your pain is heart rendering, but you have to make yourself strong to accept the truth.

Imperforate anus is a birth defect, when a child is born without an anal opening. This condition is very rare occurring once in every 5000 births or so. It is more prevalent in boys than girls.

Imperforate anus can be of two types - low lesion and high lesion. In low lesion, the intestine ends very close to the anus. A low Imperforate anus is easier to treat. In high lesion, the intestine ends further up in the abdomen and may have a fistula opening into urethra or vagina. Baby with Imperforate anus can have other complications like spinal problems, heart problems and so on.

Surgical treatments are available for Imperforate anus like anoplasty (opening the anus) and colostomy (to divert the path of stool). Kids might suffer constipation and fecal incontinence even after surgical intervention. But, it can be controlled by bowel training program to kid, diet change and regular enemas. Some children lead a happy life and some suffer health problems depending upon the severity of the defect.

Despite having functional problem, children with Imperforate anus are happy and optimistic and can lead a healthy normal life. Imperforate anus doesn' t affect children' s mental ability and other abilities to perform something. They will be able to do the things like any other kid. So, you need not to worry for your kid. Your kid is a blessing, have good time with him.

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