Medical Questions » Anal Problems Questions » Question No. 1086
Question:For the past few days, I am experiencing some sort of swelling in the anal area. I am having pain and difficulty while passing the stool. What could it may be? Should I consult a doctor? Please help.
Answer:There could be various reasons for your swelling. One possible reason could be the hemorrhoids. If there is no blood in your stool, then it might not be the serious one and could be treated with medicated creams or ointments.

Other significant reason could be the perianal abscess. This is more serious problem than hemorrhoids. Perianal abscess are considered to be developed from the glands surrounding the anus. These glands may get infected and filled with pus which in turn causes abscess. The anal abscess may cause difficulty in bowel movements, pain and fever. It is needed to be treated immediately otherwise the condition worsens with several complications.

So, you better consult a doctor and have through examination to determine the exact problem.

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