Medical Questions » Allergy Questions » Question No. 1134
Question:If I eat something I' m allergic to, what does it do to my body?
Answer:A11ergie re2ctions range from the barely noticeable to the extremely severe, up to and including death. In essence, you body has developed an over-sensitivity to the molecular structure of a certain food, inappro- priately identifying it as a foreign invader, that requires a defensive response to protect you from the attack. This immune response sets off various chemical reactions in the body, often causing inflammation that can manifest in different ways in different people.

Common symptoms include headaches, diar-rhoea, rashes, fatigue, mental fogginess, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, sinus problems, acne, abdominal pain, bloating and eczema. Common con-ditions that are often exacerbated by food allergies include arthritis, ME, migraines and anxiety.

The verysevere kinds of reaction can induce vomiting, severe rashes, severe digestive problems and anaphylactic shock, and people prone to these will need to exercise great vigilance in avoiding the foods that provoke them. You can get yourself tested for food sensitivities (see Resources, page 483), though the important thing to remember is that it' s not the food that' s the problem, but how your body reacts to it.

So considering ways to reduce your inflammatory response - such as getting sufficient omega-3 essential fats by eating oily fish, seeds and oils - is a good place to start addressing the cause of the allergy, not just the symptoms.

See related information here.

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