Medical Questions » Children Questions » Question No. 1152
Question:How can I get my sons to eat vegetables?
Answer:Inittaiiy by means of subterfuge. Add grated or mashed vegetables to mince, casseroles, burgers, pasta sauces and soups. As you' re doing this, mount a PR campaign to get your children more involved in shopping and cooking so they take a greater interest in the wonderful world of fresh produce. Research by the British Food Council shows that children are more willing to eat the food they themselves have chosen.

So try asking your sons to pick out some fruit and vegetables in the supermarket. Children also love colour, so appeal to this sense by introducing them to multicoloured vegetable varieties (but per- haps don' t catagorise them as such, just call them by their individual names) - red beetroot, orange sweet potatoes and squash, yellow peppers and courgettes, pink and green chard, white and lime-green chicory. Show them that vegetables mean more than boiled peas.

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