Medical Questions » Diet Questions » Question No. 1168
Question:What are your basic guidelines for an optimally healthy diet?
Answer:To achieve optimal nourishment and wellbeing, here' s the essence of what you need to eat.

Every day, have 1 tablespoon cold-pressed seed oil (you can buy top-quality essential oil blends) or 1 heaped table spoon ground seeds (ideally, half flax seeds and half sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds). Eat two servings of protein (beans, lentils, quinoa, tofu, peas, broad beans, organic meat or chicken, fish, cheese or free-range eggs), one serving of mineral-rich foods such as kale, cabbage, root vegetables, yoghurt, seeds or nuts, as well as fresh fruit and wholefoods such as wholegrains, three servings of dark green, leafy and root vegetables (watercress, car- rots and broccoli, to name just three), three servings of fruit (citrus, apples, pears, berries, melon or bananas), four servings of whole carbohydrates such as wholegrains (rice, millet or rye, for example), fibre from wholefoods, 1 to 1.5 litres of water, and a good-quality, high-strength multivitamin and mineral.

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