Medical Questions » Diet Questions » Question No. 1208
Question:Are peanuts good for you?
Answer:Peanuts do, indeed, have a lot going for them. They are a rich source of protein and a healthier snack than a sugary chocolate bar. Some people steer clear of peanuts because of their high fat content (almost 50 per cent) but half of it is oleic acid, an omega fat that also boosts the-healthy qualities' of olive oil, and 30 per cent is omega-6 fats.

Many people are low in such essential fats, which help keep the brain, nerves, hormones and skin healthy. Another reason why some people avoid peanuts is that they can trigger allergic reactions - from poor digestion or eczema to full anaphylactic shock.

This may be a reaction to the protein in peanuts or a poison that is commonly found on the surface of the nuts, aflatoxin. If you do eat peanuts, choose the fresh, unsalted ones in their shells, rather than the dry-roasted or flavoured ones.

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