Medical Questions » Diet Questions » Question No. 1231
Question:Are raw food diets better for you?
Answer:There are many advantages to eating plenty of raw food daily. Fresh fruit and vegetables, seeds and nuts are full of nutrients, undamaged by heating or processing. On a more ethereal level, raw foods are stillladen with the energy from the earth and sun. In fact, many people say they have more energy when they eat some raw food regularly.

There are, however, a few drawbacks to eating nothing but uncooked foods. Some people find them difficult to digest because heating has not softened the fibres. Cooking also makes some of the nutrients more available. And it is certainly good for the body to keep it well warmed in the winter with hot, cooked foods. So keep cooked and uncooked food in healthy balance. Avoid frying in fats or cooking for long periods of time, and steam away: steaming foods is a great cooking method that leaves the nutrients intact.

Green beans, cauliflower and broccoli, for instance, all take kindly to a quick steaming.

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