Medical Questions » Eyes Questions » Question No. 1288
Question:Can nutrition help prevent eyestrain and shortsightedness?
Answer:The right nutrition can definitely prevent shortsightedness and protect against eyestrain and damage. The key nutrient is vitamin A, which is abundant in meat, and carrots and other red/orange foods, from sweet potatoes to tomatoes. I recommend supplementing 2,250mcg (7,500iu) a day. Also excellent is bilberry extract, lutein, and anthocyanidins, antioxidants that protect the eyes from radiation and pollution and improve the delivery of oxygen to the eyes. Another herb, gingko biloba, improves circulation to the eyes and hence helps nutrients get to the right place. The herb eyebright, which has been used as a natural remedy for centuries, is known to reduce eye inflammation and irritation, as well as helping prevent cataracts.

The simplest way to give your eyes nutritional support is to take a supplement that provides vitamin A and other antioxidants such as vitamin C, E and selenium, plus additional herbs and food extracts which also protect against radiation from computer screens.

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