Medical Questions » Skin Questions » Question No. 1354
Question:I suffer from facial blushing - what can I take for this?
Answer:This can either be physiological or psychological. If the former, it can be caused by an allergic reaction - for example, to caffeine, alcohol or spicy food. So you need to figure out if there' s a trigger. If it' s acne rosacea (see ' My skin looks like I' m blushing' , page 267), a lack of digestive enzymes can also contribute indirectly, so if you feel full or heavy after eating, or have difficulty digesting fatty foods, consider taking a betaine hydrochloride (stomach acid) supplement, or a digestive enzyme formula that contains betaine with food. As for other supplements, taking a high-quality multivitamin and mineral formula with extra vitamin C is a good daily programme to follow to ensure you' re getting all the nutrients you need. Bioflavonoids help to strengthen the integrity of blood capillaries, and so may have an indirect effect on the blushing. Take 1 to 2g of vitamin C containing bioflavanoids or berry extracts.
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