Medical Questions » Skin Questions » Question No. 1366
Question:My hands and feet have a yellow tinge. Is this a problem?
Answer:Yellowish hands and feet are most likely to be the result of one of two things, one good, and the other not so healthy.

First, you may just be consuming particularly high levels of beta-carotene, the plant version of vitamin A, from foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, watercress and mangoes. It' s well known, after all, that people who drink large amounts of carrot juice get a yellowy tinge all over. This is not really unhealthy, but you should reduce your intake slightly. The other possible cause is that your liver is not detoxifying properly. If the whites of your eyes are yellow too, ask your doctor to do a liver function test. Otherwise, a nutritional therapist could advise you on a liver detoxification programme to lessen the burden on this vital organ and get it going properly.

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