Medical Questions » Alternative Medicine Questions » Question No. 1413
Question:What' s your view on elderberry extract?
Answer:If you feel even the slightest hint of a sniffle, get some elderberry extract. Long hailed as a useful remedy for colds, it has now been shown in research to have a remarkable ability to fight off viruses in a number of ways. In fact, tests have shown that 90 per cent of people with flu felt completely better within three days after taking elderberry extract.

The cold virus is covered in tiny spikes that, aided by a special substance, puncture your cells, get inside them and ultimately make you feel ill. Elderberry works against the virus on various fronts. First, it can smother the spikes and destroy their special coating. It can also boost your immune system so that it is more able to fight off any infection in the first place, and it is rich in flavonoids, which work with vitamin C, another powerful cold-fighter. Elderberry extract comes in delicious syrups which are good for children and adults alike. Have a teaspoon or dessertspoon of this three times a day when you are fighting an infection.

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