Medical Questions » Vitamins Questions » Question No. 1513
Question:How do I know what vitamins I need?
Answer:Taking vitamins is a sure way to optimize your health, but remember that supplements are just that - an adjunct to a good diet.

The basis of any supplement programme is a good high-strength multivitamin/mineral plus 1g of vitamin C. A good multi should contain all the vitamins and minerals, with between 25 and 50mg of each of the B vitamins and lOmg of zinc. I also take an antioxidant formula giving extra beta-carotene, C and E, with extras such as anthocyanidins because they protect from pollution and slow down ageing.

Since everyone is unique, the best way to find out exactly what you need is to have a personal assessment by a nutritional therapist. They take your diet, your lifestyle and your current health signs and symptoms into account. If necessary they can also run tests to find what you are lacking and what you need to be super-healthy. Most nutritionists charge from £45 to £60 for such an assessment, and will spend an enlightening hour with you. Alternatively, especially if you don' t have any major health issues, you can have an on-line ' mynutrition' assessment.

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