Medical Questions » Brain Questions » Question No. 157
Question:I have heard from a number of people that absorption of aluminium into the human body may be a contributing factor in a person who develops Alzheimer' s disease. Is this correct, and is it safe to cook in aluminium saucepans?
Answer:Alzheimer' s disease, its treatment and prevention, is a very controversial topic. It is primarily a disease of premature senility, and it does tend to run in families, but if your parents or grandparents develop the disease, don' t panic. This merely means that your chances of developing the disease are above average. It does NOT mean that you will inevitably become affected by the disease. High levels of aluminium are found in the brains of patients who die from Alzheimer' s disease, but there is no evidence that the disease is caused by aluminium. It may be that the Alzheimer' s disease caused the aluminium (which is normally present in the body) to be concentrated in the brain. The amount of aluminium eaten from cooking in aluminium pots is absolutely minimal. Far more aluminium is found in foods such as spices and baking powder, in hard water supplies, and in medications such as antacids and aspirin, than will ever be absorbed from aluminium pots and pans. There is no necessity for anyone to alter their diet or cooking methods for fear of developing this incurable disease, as medical scientists do not know enough about it to make any rational recommendations about methods of prevention.
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