Medical Questions » Anti Aging Questions » Question No. 1585
Question:How can I prevent wrinkles?
Answer:The major cause of skin ageing and the loss of flexibility is oxidation. This happens just from being exposed to air, but the process is really speeded up if you smoke, spend a lot of time in smoky atmospheres or do a lot of sunbathing.

You can slow oxidation down by taking in large amounts of antioxidant nutrients - vitamin A from carrots and tomatoes, vitamin C from fruits and vegetables, vitamin E from seeds and nuts and anthocyanidins from berries and red grapes. As well as eating these foods it' s well worth supplementing antioxidants. Another key element is to put on a sunscreen every time you go outdoors on a hot, sunny day. This does mean sacrificing the desire to look ' tanned and healthy' , but it will keep you looking younger, longer. Moisturising the skin, and drinking plenty of water, keep the skin supple by preventing dehydration, but they don' t really stop the deeper oxidant damage that leads to wrinkles. Most antioxidant-rich skin creams don' t penetrate deep enough into the skin to nourish the collagen, which is what stops wrinkles.

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