Medical Questions » Skin Questions » Question No. 1604
Question:Do you recommend the Pill for hormone-related acne?
Answer:While the Pill can help in the short term, it clearly doesn' t address the underlying problems causing acne. I would encourage you to look for those, rather than just masking the problem, especially given the health concerns regarding long-term Pill use. Even with today' s lower-dose Pills, women taking them have a higher chance of getting a blood clot, and may also experience nausea.

Hormonal changes, usually in teenagers, generate more oily secretions that block up skin pores. These then become infected. A diet high in saturated fat and fried food will have a similar effect. Vitamin A and zinc deficiency leads to a lowered ability to fight infection. So it' s sensible to eat a healthy diet of wholefoods; avoid fatty meats, too much cheese and fried foods; and have plenty of fruit and vegetables, as well as 1.5 litres of pure water a day.

Supplementing 20mg of zinc and up to 5,000mcg of vitamin A can help, but limit the A to 3,000mcg if you' re pregnant.

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