Medical Questions » Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Questions » Question No. 242
Question:After a number of prominent women have made the foray into plastic surgery, I too am thinking of having a facelift. What is involved?
Answer:From the outset let me state that a face lift will not make you look like your son or daughter, let alone your favourite television star, but it will significantly soften the wrinkles on your face, particularly those under the eyes, and will remove double chins and other sagging tissue. The first step is to discuss the matter with your general practitioner. He or she will assess the situation sympathetically, and unless there is a medical reason for you not to proceed, will refer you on to a plastic surgeon. The plastic surgeon will carefully assess your face and probably take photos before explaining what can and cannot be done. If you decide to proceed, a hospital booking will be made, and you are usually admitted the day before for assessment by the anaesthetist. Under the general anaesthetic, the surgeon will make incisions in front of the ears, then behind the hairline above your ear, across the top of the forehead and down the other side. Through this he or she will gently lift the skin off your face and forehead, remove excess amounts of fat under the skin, tighten up the skin itself, then sew up the long incision very finely so that it cannot be seen. Separate incisions may be made under the eyes and under the chin to tighten up the tissue in those areas. The face is then firmly bandaged, and when you awake you may be blindfolded for a day or two. The skin on the face will feel tight and sore, and when the bandages first come off it will look bruised, but after a few weeks the new you will emerge.
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