Medical Questions » Ears Questions » Question No. 297
Question:Since a short bout of the ' flu two months ago, I have had an upset stomach like travel sickness, some unsteadiness, and ringing in the ears. Will it clear up in time or will a specialist' s appointment help?
Answer:I suspect that what you are describing is vestibulitis. This is an inflammation or viral infection of the balance mechanism in one ear, and may be associated with almost any viral infection, including influenza. Excess fluid accumulates in the balance mechanism to make it malfunction. If your balance mechanism is disturbed, you can certainly feel nauseated (in the same way that travel sickness can affect you) and of course you will be unsteady. Because the balance mechanism is beside the inner ear, a disturbance to your hearing resulting in a ringing sensation is also quite possible. Time will heal the problem slowly, but in the meantime you can use medications such as Stemetil (prescription required) ro ease the symptoms. A fluid tablet prescribed by your doctor may relieve the pressure caused by the excess fluid in the balance mechanism, and cure the problem. Only if the problem becomes particularly prolonged should a specialist' s opinion be necessary.
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