Medical Questions » First Aid Questions » Question No. 402
Question:What' s the best first aid for a skin burn?
Answer:Watet, water and more water. That is the immediate (and short-term) treatment for any burn, be it a burn from a flame, hot object or scald. Rope (friction) burns, sunburn, chemical burns and electrical burns are also treated this way. The burnt part should be placed in cool water for up to half an hour, or if that is impractical, a water-soaked cloth should be held against the burnt part and kept sopping wet. Creams, oils, butter and other treatments should NOT be used as first aid for burns, nor should a dry cloth should be applied to a burn as a dressing as it may stick. Badly burnt patients may be given sips of water, but no other food or fluids until seen by a doctor. If shock develops, as indicared by shivering or collapse, lie the patient down and keep the body warm while the worst burns are kept moist with water. Any burn that blisters or chars must be seen by a doctor, who will determine future treatment, dressings and pain relief depending on the severity and site of the burn. Blisters protect a burn, and should not be pricked.
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