Medical Questions » Heart Questions » Question No. 490
Question:I am a 16 year old competitive mountain biker. Recently, after working out on a rowing machine for 2 minutes, my pulse rose to 320. My resting pulse is 45. Is this normal?
Answer:It is normal for your pulse to rise when exercising, as your heart must work harder to pump the necessary amount of blood to the muscles that are working hard. A pulse of 45 is quite slow, but not abnormal in a very fit athlete. In a person of average fitness it could be a sign of some abnormality, from an underactive thyroid gland to drug overdose or heart damage. For your heart rate to increase sevenfold after only two minutes of exercise is not normal. An athlete would be expected to have a four or five-fold increase, but only after extreme exertion. A heart rate as high as 320 is of concern to any doctor, as it is unlikely that the heart could pump efficiently at that speed. I strongly recommend that you have a thorough heart check by your GP, who may well arrange an exercise cardiograph to see just what is happening in your heart.
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