Medical Questions » Legs Questions » Question No. 563
Question:After having a knee replacement on one of my knees, I can' t bend my knee completely, and this stops me riding a bike. Is there anything i can do?
Answer:It' s delightful to hear that someone who has had a knee replacement wants to ride a bike, as most people who have this operation are well over 60. Unfortunately, a replacement knee is never as good as the young original, but most people can eventually bend their knee to a right angle. If this is not possible within six months of the operation, it is unlikely that any significantly greater movement will be achieved. Regular physiotherapy in the first few months after the operation is essential to gain the maximum mobility in the new knee. Considering the fact that the old knee would have been very painful and had limited strength and movement before the operation, most patients find a replacement knee a marked improvement. I trust that you have adjusted the bicycle seat to give the knees the least possible necessary flexion, but other than this I regret that I cannot offer any further advice for your problem.
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