Medical Questions » Mouth and Throat Questions » Question No. 676
Question:What causes a venous lake to appear on the lip? Can it be removed without leaving a scar?
Answer:An injury from a blow, bite or burn may damage the lip tissue and allow blood to accumulate under the fine skin on the lip, or any other part of the body. They are caused by the rupture of a very small vein near the surface of the skin, while the skin over it remains intact. Blood leaks out of the vein and accumulates as a datk blue blob under the skin. They are easily removed by bursting the venous lake with the tip of a needle that has been sterilised by holding it in a flame or soaking in antiseptic. The blood will rapidly come out through the hole made, and healing will occut very quickly, with no scarring, particularly on the lip, which is probably the best healing part of the whole body.
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