Medical Questions » Pregnancy Questions » Question No. 790
Question:My period is a week late and I' ve never been late before. Is this serious?
Answer:All females between fifteen and fifty should be considered to be pregnant until proved otherwise' . This saying was pounded into me as a medical student so that I would not commit the sin of ptescribing damaging medications to a pregnant woman. In your case, the first thing to do is exclude (or confirm) pregnancy. There are other causes for a missed period though. These include stress and anxiety, other illnesses (even a bad cold can delay a period), the onset of menopause, an underactive thytoid gland, ovarian diseases, rapid weight loss, strenuous exercise (highly competitive athletes often stop menstruating), drugs (including the contraceptive pill, which may harmlessly stop your periods with time) and a host of rarer diseases. See your doctor to get a pregnancy test, and take the matter further from there if necessary.
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