Medical Questions » Skin Questions » Question No. 867
Question:I have multiple warts, but do not want to resort to surgery to remove them. How can I remove warts at home?
Answer:If you apply the following treatment diligently for two or three months, the warts MAY disappear. • Soak the warts in warm water fot five minutes. Dry with a special towel to prevent spreading the virus to other parts of the body. • Pare the warts with an old emery board or pumice stone. Do not pare too deeply, because the wart will become tender and bleed, but ensure that any ctust is removed. • Apply one of the commercially available acidic wart paints to the wart, avoiding the surrounding normal skin. Apply several coats, and allow to dry between each coat. • Cover the wart with a waterproof sticking plaster and keep dry for 24 hours. • Repeat above procedure every day. • If the wart becomes tender, stop applying acid, and leave covered for a couple of days before starting again. Once you are completely clear of warts, wait for at least two months before relaxing, as they may recur in this time. Treat any recurrence as above.
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