Medical Questions » Skin Questions » Question No. 877
Question:I am 20 years old and have extremely sensitive skin. If! scratch or bump myself, even lightly, my skin comes up in welts. Several different doctors have been unable to help. I can' t play sport or socialise. Help!
Answer:You are describing a classic case of dermographia. This extremely annoying condition is effectively an excessive reaction to pressure on the skin, resulting in a localised attack of hives (urticaria) at the point where you are scratched or bumped. It is a condition that can develop at any age, but is far more common in women than men. Any part of the body can be affected, and although the welts develop in a few minutes, they may take many hours or days to fade away. The cause of the condition is unknown and thete is no permanent cure, but patients who have serious problems with the condition can take antihistamine tablets on a regular basis to reduce the severity of attacks. Most victims find that the condition is severe at some times, and less severe at others. There is a tendency for the severity of the reaction to slowly subside over many years.
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