Medical Questions » Stress Questions » Question No. 962
Question:I am a very timid person, and do not like any change in my life. I have been prescribed antidepressant medications by my doctor, and they seem to help, but I don' t think I am depressed. Could there be some other cause?
Answer:A I think you may be suffering from social anxiety disorder. This is a common form of neurosis in which the patient realises that they have an itrational level of anxiety or fear. It may be due to an unfortunate experience earlier in life, depression, trauma or stress, but often no cause can be identified. Patients have a prolonged (greater than six months) marked and persistent abnormal feat about one ot more social activities such that fear of embarrassment causes avoidance of others, avoidance of activities that draw attention, and a fear of looking stupid in the eyes of others. The patient does everything possible to avoid these situations, or they are endowed with intense anxiety. If exposed to feared situation, the patient may develop a tremor, stuttering, sweating, rapid heart rate and collapse. Treatment involves counselling, abreaction (gradual exposure under supervision to situations that provoke fear), and some types of antidepressant medications. Some patients may become totally housebound and unable to function in society. Fortunately, there is usually a good response to appropriate treatment.
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