Medical Questions » Travel Questions » Question No. 991
Question:How do I avoid getting sick on a trip through Vietnam? I' m very scared I will catch some horrible tropical disease, but my husband is keen to visit there,
Answer:Getting sick on a holiday is always a major disappointment, and in a strange environment can be very difficult to cope with. A few simple preparations can reduce the likelihood of disaster. You should ask your doctor about any local diseases against which you should be immunised, and the availability and cost of medical treatment. In Vietnam, the main problem is malaria, and you should take regular medication against this, and use insect repellent to avoid being bitten. Vaccinations against typhoid, and both hepatitis A and B, would also be advisable. It is critical to be very careful about everything that passes your lips. Do not eat or drink anything unless it is straight from a bottle or can, hot on your plate, or a thick skinned fruit (such as a banana) that you can peel. This includes cleaning your teeth with bottled water, and not gargling under the shower. Remember, even bottled drinks can be interfered with, the original contents being replaced, so check the seal on the bottle, and fizzy drinks are unlikely to have a substitute in them. Remember, the only ways you can catch an exotic disease is to: — eat it — drink it —be bitten by it —have sex with it!
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