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Anorexia Nervosa

Medical Questions » Anorexia Nervosa
Name: Anorexia Nervosa
Also known as:
Eating disorder that usually occurs in young white women in Western society. Almost unknown in American Negroes and British Indians, and totally unknown in third-world countries. About one in every 200 women between 13 and 30 in developed countries may be affected.
Causes of Anorexia Nervosa
May start with a psychological shock (eg. rejection by a boy friend, fear of a new situation, stress at school, bad sexual experience) and is due to an inappropriate body image which makes the patient feel grossly overweight, or have an abnormal fear of becoming overweight, when they may be normal or underweight.
Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa
An extreme dislike of food accompanied by excessive exercising, a cessation of menstrual periods, diffuse hair loss, intolerance of cold, slow pulse, irregular heart beat and complex hormonal disorders. Patients may practice deceit to fool their family and doctors by appearing to eat normal meals but later vomit the food, use purgatives to clean out their bowel, or hide food during the meal. May become seriously undernourished and emaciated, to the point of death, if adequate treatment is not available.
Tests for Anorexia Nervosa
No specific blood or other test that can confirm the diagnosis, but tests may be undertaken to ensure that there is no other cause for the weight loss or lack of appetite.
Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa
Very difficult, prolonged and requires the attention of expert psychiatrists and physicians. Initial hospital admission is almost mandatory, and any relapses should also be treated by hospitalization. Punishment for not eating must be avoided, but friendly encouragement and persuasion by family and friends is beneficial in both improving the patient' s self- esteem and food intake. Medications (eg. tricycle antidepressants) are not successful without accompanying psychiatric help, which is required for many years.
Complications of Anorexia Nervosa of its treatment
Patients are more susceptible to infection. In advanced stages the heart, kidney and liver may fail.
Likely Outcome of Anorexia Nervosa
Relapses are common, and suicide frequently attempted. Long term outcome can vary from complete recovery to death within a year or two. Statistically, 30% suffer some long term adverse health effects, and as many as 25% eventually die from the disease.
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