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Floaters in Eye

Medical Questions » Floaters in Eye
Name: Floaters in Eye
Also known as:
An intermittent or constant abnormality of vision.
Causes of Floaters in Eye
A collection of cells or protein in the thick fluid that fills the eyeball, which casts a shadow on the light-sensitive retina at the back of the eye. The floater forms because of bleeding into the eye, a detached retina, infection, or no cause may be found. Diabetes, leukemia, high blood pressure, and rarer conditions may cause bleeding into the eye.
Symptoms of Floaters in Eye
A spot in the field of vision. The spot may continue to move across the visual field after the moving eye comes to rest thus the name floater.
Tests for Floaters in Eye
Because a serious condition may be responsible, all patients with floaters must be investigated to exclude any disease.
Treatment for Floaters in Eye
Only treated if causing significant trouble. If necessary, a laser can destroy the floater while a doctor uses a microscope to look into the eye.
Complications of Floaters in Eye of its treatment
A detached retina can be repaired by a laser in the early stages, but if left, may cause permanent blindness.
Likely Outcome of Floaters in Eye
Most floaters dissipate with time.
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