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Medical Questions » Impetigo
Name: Impetigo
Also known as: School Sores
A very common skin infection that virtually every child will catch. It may also occur in adults.
Causes of Impetigo
Several different bacteria may be responsible, but the most common is Staphylococcus aureus (' golden staph' ). This is a serious infection inside the body, but relatively mild on the skin. Impetigo spreads from one person to another by close contact. Sometimes an infected animal may act as a source. Once one sore develops on the skin, scratching with fingers can rapidly spread the infection to other parts of the body. More common in warm climates and in summer.
Symptoms of Impetigo
An itchy, red, raised, weeping or crusting sore. If there are many sores, the patient may feel generally unwell, but normally there are no other symptoms.
Tests for Impetigo
If necessary, swabs can be taken from the sores to confirm the diagnosis, determine the infecting bacteria, and select the correct antibiotic.
Treatment for Impetigo
Antibiotic mixtures or tablets, and an antibiotic cream. Antiseptic soaps, not sharing towels and bedding, and careful personal hygiene can be used to prevent the spread of infection. A child must be excluded from school until the sores start to heal.
Complications of Impetigo of its treatment
In new born babies, impetigo may spread rapidly and become serious. For this reason, infected children should be kept away from infants.
Likely Outcome of Impetigo
With correct treatment, the sores will heal without scarring in a few days.
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