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Medical Questions » Iritis
Name: Iritis
Also known as: Uveitis
Inflammation of the iris, the colored part of the eye. When the surrounding tissues are involved, it is called uveitis.
Causes of Iritis
May be due to an infection such as toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis or syphilis (exogenous iritis), or it may be associated with inflammatory diseases in other parts of the body, including psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis, and some bowel conditions (endogenous iritis). The latter form is more common.
Symptoms of Iritis
Usually only one eye is involved which will suddenly become red and painful with blurred vision. Bright lights will aggravate the eye pain and the pupil is small. In the exogenous form, there is less pain and the onset is slower.
Tests for Iritis
None specific.
Treatment for Iritis
Any underlying infection or disease must be treated if possible. The eye is made more comfortable with warm compresses. Steroid eye drops are used to reduce inflammation.
Complications of Iritis of its treatment
The exogenous form often results in some permanent deterioration in vision.
Likely Outcome of Iritis
Usually recovers satisfactorily, but recurrences are common.
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