HIV and Abdominal Pain

HIV and abdominal pain often go hand in hand. HIV destroys the immune system of the body. This makes our body easily prone to a variety of infections and diseases. As the body weakens, these infections or diseases slowly destroy organs such as the stomach, kidney and liver. If you can avoid these infections, you can probably save yourself from such damage. Sudden abdominal infections or troubles must therefore be treated as medical emergencies. There is no common or particular cure for HIV and abdominal pains. Most doctors would look to reduce the infections or symptoms like abdominal pain along with continuing treatment for HIV/AIDS.

Symptoms and causes related to HIV and abdominal pain: HIV creates immunosuppressive effects. This means bacteria, fungi and viruses can easily proliferate in your body. Besides fever, common cold, cough, tuberculosis, pneumonia infections, you are also prone to acquire gastrointestinal or abdominal infections. These infections can quickly become acute and at times, the treatment might fail due to the already weakened immune system. This is why you must ask questions about HIV and abdominal pain to your medical practitioner who can help you recognize the symptoms as early as possible and avoid a medical emergency. Some common diseases often found in HIV patients and their symptoms and causes are outlined below:

Esophagitis: Candida like fungus and viruses such as herpes simplex virus (HSV) or cytomegalovirus can cause infection of the esophagus. Esophagus connects the pharynx to the stomach. Infections of esophagus show up as high acidity, abdominal pain, acid reflux, throwing up and nausea.

Salmonellosis: Salmonella cause Salmonellosis, an infection of the stomach and the gastrointestinal tract. This disease shows symptoms such as abdominal cramps and abdominal pain, often along with severe acidity, emesis or vomiting and in some cases diarrhea with blood in the stools. These symptoms can be followed by severe headache and appearance of rose spots. This infection often spreads if a HIV infected person eats raw or undercooked meat previously infected by these bacteria. It can lead to sudden and severe dehydration; which means, it must be given emergency medical care.

Candidiasis: It is caused by candida fungus. It affects the gastrointestinal tract as well the genitals and the urinary bladder. It causes appearance of white mucus on the membranes of these organs. Also causes severe internal infection. It can lead to symptoms like itching, burning sensation on the exposed parts as well as vomiting and stomach pain

Hepatitis: Hepatitis B and C virus can easily takeover an AIDS patient. It can cause severe damage to the stomach, liver and kidneys. This often shows up as gastric ulceration, cirrhosis of the gastrointestinal and abdominal organs. Abdominal pain is common in such situations accompanied by loss of appetite, jaundice, yellow urination, nausea, diarrhea, bowel pain and incontinence.

Cryptosporidiosis: Cryptosporidiosis caused by protozoa known as Cryptosporidium affects the entire digestive system. It is often caused due to impure water containing Cryptosporidium. The symptoms are seen as acute stomach pain, diarrhea and weight loss. It can quickly weaken an AIDS patient.

Other diseases such as penicilliosis and cancers of the digestive organs cause severe damage breaking down the organ structures slowly. This is why you must aim to avoid such infections and illnesses. Early diagnosis of HIV and abdominal pain can greatly help reduce the damage to the vital organs. Doctors often advise blood tests, urine tests, biopsies, stool tests and ultrasound or Magnetic Resonance Imaging scans to diagnose illnesses related to HIV and abdominal pain.

Prevention: A HIV infected person must be very cautious about the way he leads his life. Abdominal infections and HIV can cause a medical emergency and even a casualty. To prevent such infections, here are a few pointers:

  • Eat properly cooked food. Avoid eating semi grilled or food grilled on charcoal or similar carcinogens. Make sure, you wash your vegetables in warm water. Source food only from clean markets. Watch out for expiry dates of packaged food. It's better to eat clean and fresh food then packaged food

  • Boil your water before you drink it. Set up water filters in your house. Ensure these filters are maintained clean

  • Don't eat too fatty, oily and spicy food. Eating too hot or too cold food cause more damage

  • Keep an exercise routine. Going for long walks in a park or doing yoga and meditation can help you build your immunity and prolong your life

  • Keep tension, stress and anxiety out of your life. Depression lowers immunity

  • Maintain a healthy sex life. Avoid unprotected sex with multiple partners

Do remember to ask questions about HIV and abdominal pain to your physician or counselor. Avoid medical emergencies by taking adequate care for your body.

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