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Parotid Tumour

Medical Questions » Parotid Tumour
Name: Parotid Tumour
Also known as:
The parotid glands sit under the angle of the jaw on each side to secrete saliva into the back of the mouth. Several different types of tumor can develop in this gland, and the other salivary glands (submandibular and submental glands) that sit under the chin. The most common form is called a mixed parotid tumor, which is not malignant (cancerous).
Causes of Parotid Tumour
Symptoms of Parotid Tumour
A slowly enlarging painless lump at the angle of the jaw, but as it enlarges the tumor puts pressure on surrounding tissue and nerves to eventually cause discomfort and pain.
Tests for Parotid Tumour
Diagnosis is often difficult, but can be made by a CT or MRI scan and needle biopsy (sticking a needle into the gland to take a tissue sample).
Treatment for Parotid Tumour
Extremely intricate surgery to remove the enlarged gland and the tumor it contains. If the tumor is cancerous, irradiation of the area to prevent a recurrence is necessary.
Complications of Parotid Tumour of its treatment
The nerve supplying the face runs through the gland, and it is very easy to damage this during surgery, leaving the face numb and paralyzed.
Likely Outcome of Parotid Tumour
Generally very good, but if the tumor is cancerous it is far more serious.
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