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Medical Questions » Polyhydramnios
Name: Polyhydramnios
Also known as:
In a pregnant woman, the baby floats in a uterus filled with amniotic fluid which acts to protect it from bumps and jarring and removes waste. Polyhydramnios occurs if excess fluid is present.
Causes of Polyhydramnios
Occurs in one in every 100 pregnancies, and may be a sign that the fetus has a significant abnormality that prevents it from drinking or causes the excess production of urine. Other causes include a twin pregnancy, and diabetes or heart disease in the mother. In over half the cases no specific cause for the excess fluid can ever be found.
Symptoms of Polyhydramnios
A uterus that is larger than expected for the length of pregnancy. Normally there is about 1000 mLs. of amniotic fluid at birth. A volume greater than 1500 mLs. is considered to be diagnostic of polyhydramnios, but it may not become apparent until 2500 mLs. or more is present.
Tests for Polyhydramnios
Diagnosed by an ultrasound scan. Further investigations to determine the cause of the condition must follow (eg. amniocentesis: taking a sample of the fluid for analysis).
Treatment for Polyhydramnios
Depends upon the cause, but often none is necessary.
Complications of Polyhydramnios of its treatment
Increased risk to mother of amniotic fluid embolism, a potentially fatal complication that occurs when some of the fluid enters the mother' s blood stream.
Likely Outcome of Polyhydramnios
Most pregnancies proceed relatively normally, but increased risk of fetal abnormality.
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