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Postnatal Depression

Medical Questions » Postnatal Depression
Name: Postnatal Depression
Also known as: Postpartum Depression
Spontaneous form of depression that occurs in some women after childbirth.
Causes of Postnatal Depression
A response to the effect on the brain of sudden changes in hormone levels.
Symptoms of Postnatal Depression
Constant unhappiness for which there is no reason. Patients are unable to sleep, lose appetite and weight, and feel there is no purpose in living. They may feel unnecessarily guilty, have a very poor opinion of themselves, feel life is hopeless, find it difficult to think or concentrate, worry excessively about their infant or neglect the child.
Tests for Postnatal Depression
Diagnosed after careful psychiatric assessment.
Treatment for Postnatal Depression
Medications to control the production of depressing chemicals in the brain (eg. fluvoxamine, moclobemide, nefazadone, paroxetine, venlafaxine) while hospitalized or given intensive home support. Shock therapy (electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)) may be used as a last resort.
Complications of Postnatal Depression of its treatment
Rarely may lead to attempted or actual suicide.
Likely Outcome of Postnatal Depression
Virtually all cases settle with support and medication in a few weeks.
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