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Medical Questions » Schizophrenia
Name: Schizophrenia
Also known as:
A mental illness which causes abnormal behavior and perceptions. When treatment starts or an attack passes, the patient returns to normal giving the impression of two different personalities, but this is not the case.
Causes of Schizophrenia
Exact cause unknown, but there is a family tendency and the environment in which the patient is raised, and emotional stress, may trigger a person to escape into schizophrenia.
Symptoms of Schizophrenia
A distorted view of the world because of delusions and hallucinations. Patients often change the topic of conversation for no apparent reason, may not look after themselves, become dishevelled in appearance, withdrawn, and fail to communicate properly with others. Their mood and behavior changes seem bizarre and they often believe that others are persecuting them. They may hear unfriendly voices, or have frightening hallucinations.
Tests for Schizophrenia
No diagnostic blood or other tests.
Treatment for Schizophrenia
A wide range of effective medications (anti psychotics) such as clozapine, fluphenazine, olanzapine, promazine, risperidone, thioridazine, thiothixene and trifluoperazine can be given as tablets or injections to control the disease. Just as important are a supportive environment and psychological counseling for the patient and their family.
Complications of Schizophrenia of its treatment
Suicide and harmful behavior towards themselves and others are possible. Many patients refuse medication because they lack insight into their condition.
Likely Outcome of Schizophrenia
Permanent cure is not usually possible, but well controlled if the patient remains on long term medication.
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